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Indian Regulator's Website Attacked by Hackers

Indian Regulator's Website Attacked by Hackers

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India's telecoms regulator can under fire after it released the contact details of people who had commented on proposals about Net Neutrality issues.
The TRAI released the details of around a million Indian's who had written in, mostly in support of Net Neutrality. The consultation doesn't end until 8th May.
BJD MP Tathagat Satpathy, a vocal supporter of Net Neutrality, said that he was shocked. "It is really surprising, not to say despicable, that TRAI released the personal data of so many people who have sent in their suggestions which were in reply to a questionnaire posted by TRAI itself."
The move drew ire from the consulted people, but also saw a hacking group threaten, then succeed in hacking the TRAI's website.
The group, known as AnonOpsIndia tweeted "So those who still think that #TRAi can "handle" the Internet, we just proved you wrong. They just got trolled by bunch of kids.#Incompetence"
The group claimed that their main motivation was to stop spammers harvesting the email addresses of the respondents.

